Monday, February 8, 2010

Weeks One & Two: Lines, Shapes, Overlapping, Perspective

Welcome new, and returning, Star Sketchers!! Some of you got started with learning how to hold the pencil sideways (keep practicing this, it gets easier!) and drawing with lines and shapes (the infamous 'crab'!). And some of you jumped into 2-point and atmospheric perspective (fun, stuff!). Awesome group! Scroll down to view your drawings and my comments, or search for your name in the column to the right.

pencil warm-ups by Derek (above, left) and Kira (right)

Feeling cReAtiVe?
If any of you would like to post drawings that you create during your free time at school there's a special place for your cool creations (drawings must be approved by Ms. Smith). Check out student work in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.

left: Expression Session Drawing by Alec

Okay! Ready for a drawing challenge?...

Drawing Challenge: Get aBsTrAcT!
For those of you who have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination! Abstract drawing (above, left) by Lizzy

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Since there's a holiday this Friday, I'll see everyone on the 19th. Keep drawing! --Rob


Lots of EXCELLENT drawing goin' on here, Kira!! You're off to a great start drawing with lines and shapes. You jumped in, got into the zone and pulled off some clean 2-point perspective boxes; nice job of keeping the vertical lines parallel and angling your guidelines to the vanishing points. You've got a superb eye for drawing accurate proportions, as shown in your drawing of the toucan and jaguar. The curved contour lines show the roundness of the jaguar's tail. I really like how you drew light guidelines for your animals; then finished with darker outlines.

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone


Hey, Froy! Fantastic start in drawing with lines and shapes and 2-point perspective! Excellent work in drawing angled guidelines to the vanishing points and keeping the vertical lines of the boxes parallel. Really nice job of drawing accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the puffer fish and the crab, especially the crab's eyes compared to its body. Check the proportions of the claws compared to the crab's body. The proportions and facial features of the puffer fish are VERY well drawn.

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone


Great to have you back in the Star Sketchers, hAnNaH!! You REALLY dropped into the zone with this drawing of the agave plant!! Overall, the proportions of the plant are very accurately drawn, compared to the reference picture. Fantastic job of drawing lighter and darker tones to show different values of green. The dark background is a nice contrast that shows the natural contours of the leaves. Keep drawing! :-)

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone


Really, REALLY cool drawings, Yvonne!! You've got a lot of control of your line work and an excellent eye for seeing the proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of things that your looking at; it really shows in your sketch of the puffer fish. The proportions of the crab's eyes, body, and claws are very well drawn! Great job in drawing the buildings in 2-point perspective. You got a nice start in drawing the frog, too.

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone


Welcome back to the Star Sketchers, Nick!! The control of your line work has improved big-time! (You're getting used to drawing with the pencil on its side.) Excellent job of drawing accurate proportions of the lizard. The textures on its body and the wood are well drawn. I really like how you make lots of study sketches to find accurate proportions (the sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). The proportions of the puffer fish are very accurately drawn. And the gray tones on the lizard's and puffer's bodies are a really nice touch. Great job of drawing your buildings in 2-point perspective. Check the vertical lines to make sure they're all parallel. Keep drawing light guidelines before finishing with darker outlines.

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone


Once you got the right song on your iPod and dropped into the zone, you cranked out lots of awesome drawings, Derek! Great job of drawing with lines and shapes. Notice the huge improvements in your 2-point perspective buildings when you got the angled guidelines correctly drawn to the vanishing points; the tops of the windows look correct in the distance. The proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the crab, puffer fish, and frog are very well drawn. Nice job overlapping the front legs of the frog, giving depth of space to your drawing. Excellent start in drawing the proportions of the jaguar! Keep it going, man!

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone

Freddy C.

Hey, Freddy! Great to be drawing with you again. You're off to an excellent start with your exploration of 2-point perspective and atmospheric perspective. Nice job of keeping the vertical lines of your buildings parallel and drawing angled guidelines to the vanishing points. I know the atmospheric perspective sketch was a challenge, but you did a great job of using gray tones to show how the hills are lighter as they get farther away.

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone


Welcome to the Star Sketchers, Yessenia!! EXCELLENT job of drawing the boxes in 2-point perspective! You did a great job of keeping the vertical lines parallel and using angled guidelines to the vanishing points. You've got a good eye for seeing the 3D form of things and lots of control of your line work. Keep drawing! :-)

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone


You're baaaaaaack! Nice to be drawing with you again, Brianna! With iPod in place, pencil in hand, you got into a nice 2-point perspective drawing. Nice job of keeping the vertical lines parallel and drawing angled guidelines to the vanishing points. Excellent start on the drawing after the artist Fernand Leger on Friday. You can continue you it when class meets again. :-)

Drawing Challenge: Get Abstract!
If you have time, here's a little challenge for you to during the next couple of weeks: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to create an abstract drawing. Abstract artwork doesn't show people, places, or things. Use the whole sheet of paper--draw big! Have fun! Use your imagination!

Examples of artwork by big-time abstract artists to give you ideas for getting started: Click here

Remember, you can post your favorite drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn.
Also, Check out: Getting Into the Zone

Reference Picture: Fernand Leger

Fernand Leger (1881-1955) was an important modern artist in France who, like Pablo Picasso, experimented with the art style called cubism (like the Picasso still life you just completed). Click on image for enlarged view: